Academic Records Revision
A student's transcript is documentation of their permanent academic record at Saint Louis University. Any discrepancies should be discussed with their advisor or mentor before following 博彩网址大全's academic records revision process in order to verify that revisions are warranted.
Retroactive changes to a student's permanent academic record due to documented extenuating circumstances will be reviewed by the Academic Records Revision Committee (ARRC).
Frequently Asked Questions
- Students will contact their academic advisor or mentor about the academic records revision process and determine if their situation is appropriate for the academic records revision process.
- A current or former student must submit the Petition for Revision of Academic Record - Form #40 and appropriate supporting documentation (see FAQ below) to their college or school dean’s office.
- The associate or assistant dean of the college or school will present the petition and supporting documentation at the next scheduled Academic Revision of Records Committee (ARRC) meeting.
- Petitions and supporting documentation will be reviewed by ARRC in order to make a
decision on accepting the student's request.
- The committee may request additional information from instructors, academic departments or other Saint Louis University offices.
- The committee does not accept "character references" from friends or family members.
- The committee routinely checks the authenticity of documentation. If the committee finds evidence of falsified or forged documents, judicial charges will be brought against the student in accordance with the University's Student Responsibility and Community Standards and, if found guilty, the student will face penalties up to and including expulsion.
- The student and presenting assistant or associate dean will receive written notification of ARRC's decision within two weeks of a decision. Notification will be sent to the student's University email address or local street address on file with the University.
- If the revision sought is due to medical reasons submit an Academic Records Revision Medical Certification Form (Form No. 41) along with the petition.
- If the revision sought is due to student accommodations submit a Disability Services Verification Memo provided by the Center for Accessibility and Disability Resources along with the petition.
- If the revision sought is undergraduate academic amnesty submit the Petition for Academic Amnesty (Undergraduate) (Form No. 13) along with the petition.
- If the revision sought is a reinstated course extension after a grade of “I” was changed to an “F” submit a new Petition for Course Extension (Incomplete Grade) (Form No. 2) along with the petition.
- If the revision sought is a grade change after 90 days submit an Academic Records Revision Grade Change (Form No. 42) along with the petition.
- If the revision sought is a complete drop or complete withdrawal submit an Academic Records Revision Complete Drop/Withdrawal (Form No. 43) along with the petition.
- If the revision sought is a partial drop or partial withdrawal submit an Academic Records Revision Drop/Withdraw from Course(s) (Form No. 44) along with the petition.
- If the revision sought is a change in credits submit an Academic Records Revision Credit Change Appeal (Form No. 45) along with this petition.
- If the revision sought is a change in grading option submit an Academic Records Revision Grade Option Change Appeal (Form No. 46) along with this petition.
- If the revision sought is a change in registration after the registration period submit an Academic Records Revision Past Registration Request (Form No. 48) along with this petition.
The Academic Records Revision Committee is a group of faculty and staff representatives that meet monthly during the academic year to review student requests for retroactive changes to their permanent academic records due to documented extenuating circumstances.
The committee is authorized to make a final decision on:
- Requests for changes to the academic record due to registration errors outside of the current semester.
- Requests for changes to the academic record from students who have experienced academic difficulty because of documented extenuating circumstances, including serious illness, chronic disability, serious family problems and similar situations.
- Requests for academic amnesty.
- Requests for a tuition refund.
- Requests (supported by the instructor) for a change of grades beyond one year.
- Requests (supported by the instructor) for appealing an I that has changed to an F.
The committee has no authority to:
- Make decisions regarding academic standing, university or program probation, or university or program dismissal.
- Make admission or readmission decisions, either to selected majors or programs or to the University.
- Grant exceptions to financial policies. (For more information, consult the Office of Student Financial Services.)
- Make decisions on grade appeals. (Grade appeal policies vary by the specific college or school.)
- Award incomplete grades for courses (Incompletes must be negotiated directly with and approved by the individual instructor).
- Grant exceptions to major/minor/certificate or college or school requirements for a degree. (The final decision rests with the department, college or school.)
- Make decisions involving student responsibility and community standards (behavioral) violations. (For more information, consult the dean of students).
- Alter the academic record of students who have graduated from Saint Louis University. (Such requests are not considered by 博彩网址大全.)
- "Clean up" an academic record by selective removal of poor grades. (Such requests are not considered by 博彩网址大全.)
Potentially, changes to your academic record resulting from an approved petition may affect visa status, benefits and financial aid. Please contact any office from the following list that is relevant to your situation to inquire about the potential effects of your petition:
- Center for Accessibility and Disability Resources: 314-977-3484 or
- Office of International Services: 314-977-2318 or
- Office of Student Financial Services: 314-977-2350 or
- Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX: 314-977-3838
- Veterans Benefit Coordinator: 314-977-2259
This is very student and situation-dependent. The ARRC process is in place for students who have experienced a significant hardship and can provide documentation to support their case.
In addition to the student’s narrative and supporting documentation, the committee will also consider information from the course instructor, department chair and dean of the school or college the student was enrolled in during the semester for which they are submitting a revision of records request. In addition, the committee may take other factors into account, such as whether a student has submitted petitions for revision of records for another semester and the student’s overall academic record.